Trapped 45ft Under: The Incredible Story Of Njamba. Prt. 1

The story of Robert Njamba is one that could easily be considered as fictional or with a hint of exaggeration. Tell it to someone out there and they will shake their heads in disbelief and stare back at you with sufficient doubt. Tell it to anyone from this village of ours however, and they will…

White ceilings with grey spots.

It’s standard practice for patients to be starved a few hours before going to the operation room for surgery but it didn’t matter that much if i ate or not because my brain couldn’t know the difference. So i gazed at the white ceilings with grey spots and waited for the knife. My head had…

White ceilings with grey spots.

It’s standard practice for patients to be starved a few hours before going to the operation room for surgery but it didn’t matter that much if i ate or not because my brain couldn’t know the difference. So i gazed at the white ceilings with grey spots and waited for the knife. My head had…

How my late cousin once made me a rich man.

My 18th birthday was fast approaching and the idea of becoming an adult was quite exciting especially because i thought having an ID card meant i was finally an adult. I thought i could do whatever i wanted; like have a Mohawk or go to town without supervision (It doesn’t work that way here in…

The time my late cousin made me a rich man.

My 18th birthday was fast approaching and the idea of becoming an adult was quite exciting especially because i thought that having an ID card meant i was now a grown up. I believed i could do whatever i wanted; like having a Mohawk or going to town without supervision (It doesn’t work that way…

A close call.

The fourth floor of Cigma plaza was quickly becoming popular amongst the youth of Nakuru town mostly because it was home to the biggest PlayStation store at the time. With twelve flat screens, twelve PlayStations, leather seats and tinted windows, it was the ideal location for me and my fellow adolescents to unwind and pretend…

Runnings With Ndogogio.

Our parents paint a picture of a world that seems too out of this world when they tell us how youtmen didn’t hang in clubs or even sit easy pale on the sinatabu and order two cold ones. Drinking and other indulgences of the night are no longer reserverd to the adult population. Ndogogio (alcohol)…

That Time I Went To Prinsloo.

In an attempt to appear more likeable and interesting to a certain beaut back in the days, i agreed to accompany her to the prinsloo 7s which is an annual rugby event in Nakuru but in real sense it’s an uncensored platform for youtmen to hire vehicles they can’t afford to fuel and for the…

Teachings From Tupac

Anyone who knows me well can attest to the interest and immense admiration I have for Tupac. In my view he is and always will be the most gifted rapper and lyricist of all time. It’s not just his ability to write good music that i find so inspiring, it’s his personality and his truth…

Bald is Beautiful.

You guys are already aware about my struggles with baldness right? if not, check the memoirs in my blog, the topic is well documented…. extensively. I decided to grow out my hair one last time, missing hairline and all…it was on my IOME list of 100. So for three months i didn’t visit my barber,…